Honeycomb  0.1
Component-Model Framework
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Honeycomb, Copyright (C) 2015 NewGamePlus Inc. Distributed under the Boost Software License v1.0.
2 #pragma once
4 #include "Honey/String/String.h"
5 #include "Honey/String/Bytes.h"
6 #include "Honey/Misc/StdUtil.h"
7 #include "Honey/String/Id.h"
10 namespace honey
11 {
17 class ByteStreamBuf : public std::stringbuf
18 {
19 public:
20  typedef std::stringbuf Super;
22  explicit ByteStreamBuf(ios_base::openmode mode = 0) : Super(ios_base::in|ios_base::out|mode), _mode(mode) {}
23  explicit ByteStreamBuf(const Bytes& bs, ios_base::openmode mode = 0)
24  : ByteStreamBuf(mode) { bytes(bs); }
25  ByteStreamBuf(ByteStreamBuf&& rhs) : Super(move(rhs)), _mode(rhs._mode) {}
27  ByteStreamBuf& operator=(ByteStreamBuf&& rhs) { Super::operator=(move(rhs)); _mode = rhs._mode; return *this; }
29  Bytes bytes() const { return Bytes(pbase(), egptr() > pptr() ? egptr() : pptr()); }
30  void bytes(const Bytes& bs)
31  {
32  seekoff(0, ios_base::beg, ios_base::out);
33  sputn(bs.data(), bs.size());
34  setg(pbase(), pbase(), pptr());
35  if (!appendMode()) seekoff(0, ios_base::beg, ios_base::out);
36  }
38  std::streamsize sgetn(byte* s, std::streamsize n) { return Super::sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), n); }
39  int sputbackc(byte c) { return Super::sputbackc(c); }
41  int sputc(byte c) { return Super::sputc(c); }
42  std::streamsize sputn(const byte* s, std::streamsize n) { return Super::sputn(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(s), n); }
44  byte* eback() const { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(Super::eback()); }
45  byte* gptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(Super::gptr()); }
46  byte* egptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(Super::egptr()); }
47  void setg(byte* gbeg, byte* gnext, byte* gend) { Super::setg(reinterpret_cast<char*>(gbeg), reinterpret_cast<char*>(gnext), reinterpret_cast<char*>(gend)); }
49  byte* pbase() const { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(Super::pbase()); }
50  byte* pptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(Super::pptr()); }
51  byte* epptr() const { return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(Super::epptr()); }
52  void setp(byte* new_pbase, byte* new_epptr) { Super::setp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(new_pbase), reinterpret_cast<char*>(new_epptr)); }
54 private:
55  std::basic_string<byte> str() const;
56  void str(const std::basic_string<byte>& s);
57  bool appendMode() const { return _mode & (ios_base::app | ios_base::ate); }
59  ios_base::openmode _mode;
60 };
63 class ByteStream : public std::iostream
64 {
65 public:
66  typedef std::iostream Super;
68  explicit ByteStream(std::streambuf* sb) : Super(sb) {}
69  ByteStream(ByteStream&& rhs) : Super(std::move(rhs)) {}
71  ByteStream& operator=(ByteStream&& rhs) { Super::operator=(std::move(rhs)); return *this; }
73  int_type get() { return Super::get(); }
74  ByteStream& get(byte& c) { Super::get(reinterpret_cast<char&>(c)); return *this; }
75  ByteStream& get(byte* s, std::streamsize n) { Super::get(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), n); return *this; }
76  ByteStream& get(byte* s, std::streamsize n, byte delim) { Super::get(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), n, delim); return *this; }
77  ByteStream& get(std::streambuf& sb) { Super::get(sb); return *this; }
78  ByteStream& get(std::streambuf& sb, byte delim) { Super::get(sb, delim); return *this; }
79  ByteStream& getline(byte* s, std::streamsize n) { Super::getline(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), n); return *this; }
80  ByteStream& getline(byte* s, std::streamsize n, byte delim) { Super::getline(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), n, delim); return *this; }
81  ByteStream& ignore(std::streamsize count = 1, int_type delim = traits_type::eof()) { Super::ignore(count, delim); return *this; }
82  ByteStream& read(byte* s, std::streamsize n) { Super::read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), n); return *this; }
83  std::streamsize readsome(byte* s, std::streamsize n) { return Super::readsome(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), n); }
84  ByteStream& putback(byte c) { Super::putback(c); return *this; }
85  ByteStream& unget() { Super::unget(); return *this; }
86  ByteStream& seekg(pos_type pos) { Super::seekg(pos); return *this; }
87  ByteStream& seekg(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir dir) { Super::seekg(off, dir); return *this; }
89  ByteStream& put(byte c) { Super::put(c); return *this; }
90  ByteStream& write(const byte* s, std::streamsize n) { Super::write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(s), n); return *this; }
91  ByteStream& seekp(pos_type pos) { Super::seekp(pos); return *this; }
92  ByteStream& seekp(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir dir) { Super::seekp(off, dir); return *this; }
93  ByteStream& flush() { Super::flush(); return *this; }
94 };
97 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const bool val) { os.put(byte(val)); return os; }
99 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const byte val) { os.put(val); return os; }
101 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const char val) { os.put(val); return os; }
103 template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_floating_point<T>::value, int>::type=0>
104 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const T val)
105 {
106  byte a[sizeof(T)];
107  BitOp::toPartsBig(val, a);
108  os.write(a, sizeof(T));
109  return os;
110 }
112 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, Char val) { return os << uint16(val); }
115 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, bool& val) { val = is.get(); return is; }
117 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, byte& val) { is.get(val); return is; }
119 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, char& val) { is.std::iostream::get(val); return is; }
121 template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value || std::is_floating_point<T>::value, int>::type=0>
123 {
124  byte a[sizeof(T)];
125  is.read(a, sizeof(T));
126  val = BitOp::fromPartsBig<T>(a);
127  return is;
128 }
130 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, Char& val) { uint16 c; is >> c; val = Char(c); return is; }
133 namespace bytestream
134 {
136  namespace priv
137  {
138  template<class Int>
139  struct VarSize
140  {
141  friend ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const VarSize& v)
142  {
143  assert(v.val >= 0, "VarSize value must be positive");
144  if (v.val <= 0) return os << uint8(0);
145  else if (v.val <= numeral<uint8>().max()-3) return os << uint8(v.val);
146  else if (v.val <= numeral<uint16>().max()) return os << numeral<uint8>().max() << uint16(v.val);
147  else if (v.val <= numeral<uint32>().max()) return os << uint8(numeral<uint8>().max()-1) << uint32(v.val);
148  else return os << uint8(numeral<uint8>().max()-2) << uint64(v.val);
149  }
151  template<class VarSize_>
152  friend typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<VarSize,VarSize_>::value, ByteStream&>::type
153  operator>>(ByteStream& is, const VarSize_& v)
154  {
155  static_assert(mt::isLref<Int>::value && !std::is_const<typename mt::removeRef<Int>::type>::value, "VarSize requires a mutable integer reference for extraction");
156  typedef typename std::remove_const<typename mt::removeRef<Int>::type>::type Int_;
158  uint8 size; is >> size;
159  switch (size)
160  {
161  case numeral<uint8>().max(): { uint16 val; is >> val; v.val = numeric_cast<Int_>(val); break; }
162  case numeral<uint8>().max()-1: { uint32 val; is >> val; v.val = numeric_cast<Int_>(val); break; }
163  case numeral<uint8>().max()-2: { uint64 val; is >> val; v.val = numeric_cast<Int_>(val); break; }
164  default: v.val = numeric_cast<Int_>(size); break;
165  }
166  return is;
167  }
169  Int val;
170  };
171  }
174  template<class Int, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<typename mt::removeRef<Int>::type>::value, int>::type=0>
176  auto varSize(Int&& val) { return priv::VarSize<Int>{forward<Int>(val)}; }
177 }
180 template<class T1, class T2>
181 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const pair<T1,T2>& p) { return os << p.first << p.second; }
183 namespace priv
184 {
185  template<class Tuple, szt... Seq>
186  void tupleToBytes(ByteStream& os, Tuple&& t, mt::idxseq<Seq...>)
187  { mt::exec([&]() { os << get<Seq>(forward<Tuple>(t)); }...); }
188  template<class List>
189  void listToBytes(ByteStream& os, const List& list) { os << bytestream::varSize(list.size()); for (auto& e: list) os << e; }
190 }
192 template<class Tuple>
194 typename std::enable_if<mt::isTuple<Tuple>::value, ByteStream&>::type
195  operator<<(ByteStream& os, Tuple&& t) { priv::tupleToBytes(os, forward<Tuple>(t), mt::make_idxseq<tuple_size<typename mt::removeRef<Tuple>::type>::value>()); return os; }
197 template<class T, szt N>
198 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const array<T,N>& a)
199  { for (auto& e: a) os << e; return os; }
201 template<class T, szt N, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T,char>::value && !std::is_same<T,Char>::value,int>::type=0>
202 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const T (&a)[N]) { for (auto& e: a) os << e; return os; }
204 template<class T, class Alloc>
205 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const vector<T,Alloc>& vec)
206  { priv::listToBytes(os, vec); return os; }
208 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const String& str)
209  { priv::listToBytes(os, str); return os; }
211 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const Char* str)
212  { auto len = std::char_traits<Char>::length(str); os << bytestream::varSize(len); for (auto& e: range(str,str+len)) os << e; return os; }
214 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const std::string& str)
215  { os << bytestream::varSize(str.length()); os.std::iostream::write(str.data(), str.length()); return os; }
217 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const char* str)
218  { auto len = strlen(str); os << bytestream::varSize(len); os.std::iostream::write(str, len); return os; }
220 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const Bytes& bs)
221  { os << bytestream::varSize(bs.size()); os.write(bs.data(), bs.size()); return os; }
223 template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,const byte*>::value || std::is_same<T,byte*>::value,int>::type=0>
224 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, T bs) { static_assert(!mt::True<T>::value, "Unimplemented, use ByteBufConst(bs, n) instead"); return os; }
227  { os << bytestream::varSize(bs.size()); os.write(bs.data(), bs.size()); return os; }
229 template<class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
230 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const set<T,Compare,Alloc>& set)
231  { priv::listToBytes(os, set); return os; }
233 template<class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
234 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const multiset<T,Compare,Alloc>& set)
235  { priv::listToBytes(os, set); return os; }
237 template<class Key, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
238 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const unordered_set<Key,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& set)
239  { priv::listToBytes(os, set); return os; }
241 template<class Key, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
242 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const unordered_multiset<Key,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& set)
243  { priv::listToBytes(os, set); return os; }
245 template<class Key, class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
246 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const std::map<Key,T,Compare,Alloc>& map)
247  { priv::listToBytes(os, map); return os; }
249 template<class Key, class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
250 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const multimap<Key,T,Compare,Alloc>& map)
251  { priv::listToBytes(os, map); return os; }
253 template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
254 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const unordered_map<Key,T,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& map)
255  { priv::listToBytes(os, map); return os; }
257 template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
258 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const unordered_multimap<Key,T,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& map)
259  { priv::listToBytes(os, map); return os; }
262 template<class T1, class T2>
263 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, pair<T1,T2>& p) { return is >> p.first >> p.second; }
265 namespace priv
266 {
267  template<class Tuple, szt... Seq>
268  void tupleFromBytes(ByteStream& is, Tuple& t, mt::idxseq<Seq...>)
269  { mt::exec([&]() { is >> get<Seq>(t); }...); }
270  template<class Set, class T = typename Set::value_type>
271  void setFromBytes(ByteStream& is, Set& set) { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); for (auto _: range(size)) { mt_unused(_); T val; is >> val; set.insert(val); } }
272  template<class Map, class Key = typename Map::key_type, class Val = typename Map::mapped_type>
273  void mapFromBytes(ByteStream& is, Map& map) { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); for (auto _: range(size)) { mt_unused(_); Key key; is >> key; Val val; is >> val; map.insert(make_pair(key, val)); } }
274 }
276 template<class Tuple>
278 typename std::enable_if<mt::isTuple<Tuple>::value, ByteStream&>::type
279  operator>>(ByteStream& is, Tuple& t) { priv::tupleFromBytes(is, t, mt::make_idxseq<tuple_size<Tuple>::value>()); return is; }
281 template<class T, szt N>
282 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, array<T,N>& a) { for (auto& e: a) is >> e; return is; }
284 template<class T, szt N, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T,char>::value && !std::is_same<T,Char>::value,int>::type=0>
285 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, T (&a)[N]) { for (auto& e: a) is >> e; return is; }
287 template<class T, class Alloc>
288 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, vector<T,Alloc>& vec)
289  { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); vec.resize(size); for (auto& e: vec) is >> e; return is; }
292  { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); str.resize(size); for (auto& e: str) is >> e; return is; }
295  { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); for (auto& e: range(str, str+size)) is >> e; str[size] = 0; return is; }
297 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, std::string& str)
298  { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); str.resize(size); is.std::iostream::read(str.length() ? &str[0] : nullptr, str.length()); return is; }
300 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, char* str)
301  { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); is.std::iostream::read(str, size); str[size] = 0; return is; }
304  { szt size; is >> bytestream::varSize(size); bs.resize(size); is.read(bs.data(), bs.size()); return is; }
306 template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,byte*>::value,int>::type=0>
307 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, T bs) { static_assert(!mt::True<T>::value, "Unimplemented, use ByteStream::read(bs, n) instead"); return is; }
309 template<class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
310 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, set<T,Compare,Alloc>& set)
311  { priv::setFromBytes(is, set); return is; }
313 template<class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
314 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, multiset<T,Compare,Alloc>& set)
315  { priv::setFromBytes(is, set); return is; }
317 template<class Key, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
318 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, unordered_set<Key,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& set)
319  { priv::setFromBytes(is, set); return is; }
321 template<class Key, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
322 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, unordered_multiset<Key,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& set)
323  { priv::setFromBytes(is, set); return is; }
325 template<class Key, class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
326 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, std::map<Key,T,Compare,Alloc>& map)
327  { priv::mapFromBytes(is, map); return is; }
329 template<class Key, class T, class Compare, class Alloc>
330 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, multimap<Key,T,Compare,Alloc>& map)
331  { priv::mapFromBytes(is, map); return is; }
333 template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
334 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, unordered_map<Key,T,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& map)
335  { priv::mapFromBytes(is, map); return is; }
337 template<class Key, class T, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Alloc>
338 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, unordered_multimap<Key,T,Hash,KeyEqual,Alloc>& map)
339  { priv::mapFromBytes(is, map); return is; }
342 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const Id& val) { return os << val._hash; }
344 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, Id& val) { return is >> val._hash; }
346 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const IdLiteral& val) { return os << val._hash; }
348 inline ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const NameId& val) { return os << static_cast<const Id&>(val) << val._name; }
350 inline ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, NameId& val) { is >> static_cast<Id&>(val) >> val._name; debug_if(val.Id::_name = val._name); assert(val._hash == hash::fast(val._name)); return is; }
352 namespace bytestream
353 {
355  namespace priv
356  {
357  struct Manip : honey::Manip<Manip>
358  {
359  ~Manip()
360  {
361  assert(allocs.empty(), "ByteStream allocator stack not empty");
362  assert(sharedTables.empty(), "ByteStream shared table stack not empty");
363  }
365  template<class T>
366  T* alloc(szt size) const { return allocs.size() ? static_cast<T*>(allocs.back()(size)) : std::allocator<T>().allocate(size); }
368  Id curSharedTable() const { return sharedTables.size() ? sharedTables.back() : idnull; }
370  szt sharedToIndex(void* p)
371  {
372  if (!p) return 0;
373  auto& table = sharedTablesOut[curSharedTable()];
374  auto res = table.insert(make_pair(p, table.size()));
375  return res.second ? 1 : res.first->second + 2;
376  }
378  template<class T>
379  SharedPtr<T> indexToShared(szt i)
380  {
381  if (!i) return nullptr;
382  auto& table = sharedTablesIn[curSharedTable()];
383  if (i == 1)
384  {
385  table.push_back(SharedPtr<T>(new (alloc<T>(1)) T));
386  return static_pointer_cast<T>(table.back());
387  }
388  assert(i-2 < table.size());
389  return static_pointer_cast<T>(table[i-2]);
390  }
392  void reset()
393  {
394  allocs.clear();
395  sharedTables.clear();
396  sharedTablesOut.clear();
397  sharedTablesIn.clear();
398  }
400  vector<function<void* (szt)>> allocs;
401  vector<Id> sharedTables;
402  unordered_map<Id, unordered_map<void*, szt>> sharedTablesOut;
403  unordered_map<Id, vector<SharedPtr<void>>> sharedTablesIn;
404  };
405  }
408  inline auto pushAlloc(const function<void* (szt)>& alloc) { return manipFunc([=](ByteStream& is) { priv::Manip::inst(is).allocs.push_back(alloc); }); }
411  inline auto popAlloc() { return manipFunc([=](ByteStream& is) { assert(priv::Manip::inst(is).allocs.size()); priv::Manip::inst(is).allocs.pop_back(); }); }
413  inline auto pushSharedTable(const Id& id) { return manipFunc([=](ByteStream& ios) { priv::Manip::inst(ios).sharedTables.push_back(id); }); }
415  inline auto popSharedTable() { return manipFunc([=](ByteStream& ios) { assert(priv::Manip::inst(ios).sharedTables.size()); priv::Manip::inst(ios).sharedTables.pop_back(); }); }
417  inline auto reset() { return manipFunc([=](ByteStream& ios) { priv::Manip::inst(ios).reset(); }); }
419 }
421 template<class T, class Fin>
422 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const UniquePtr<T,Fin>& p)
423  { return p ? os << true << *p : os << false; }
425 template<class T, class Fin>
426 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, UniquePtr<T,Fin>& p) { bool exists; is >> exists; p.set(exists ? new (bytestream::priv::Manip::inst(is).alloc<T>(1)) T : nullptr); return exists ? is >> *p : is; }
428 template<class T>
429 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const SharedPtr<T>& p) { szt i = bytestream::priv::Manip::inst(os).sharedToIndex(p); return i == 1 ? os << bytestream::varSize(i) << *p : os << bytestream::varSize(i); }
431 template<class T>
432 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, SharedPtr<T>& p) { szt i; is >> bytestream::varSize(i); p = bytestream::priv::Manip::inst(is).indexToShared<T>(i); return i == 1 ? is >> *p : is; }
435 template<class Rep, class Period>
436 ByteStream& operator<<(ByteStream& os, const Duration<Rep,Period>& d) { return os << d.count(); }
438 template<class Rep, class Period>
439 ByteStream& operator>>(ByteStream& is, Duration<Rep,Period>& d) { Rep r; is >> r; d = Duration<Rep,Period>(r); return is; }
443 }
byte * egptr() const
Definition: ByteStream.h:46
szt fast(ByteBufConst bs, szt seed)
Quickly generate a small hash value. Each seed value produces a unique hash from the same data...
Definition: Hash.cpp:99
A contiguous region of referenced (not owned by object) memory.
Definition: Buffer.h:17
auto manipFunc(Func &&f, Args &&...args)
Helper to create a manipulator that takes arguments. eg. A manip named 'foo': auto foo(int val) { ret...
Definition: StdUtil.h:243
ByteStream & flush()
Definition: ByteStream.h:93
istream & operator>>(istream &is, Bytes &val)
Definition: Bytes.cpp:16
int sputc(byte c)
Definition: ByteStream.h:41
std::streamsize sgetn(byte *s, std::streamsize n)
Definition: ByteStream.h:38
ByteStreamBuf(ByteStreamBuf &&rhs)
Definition: ByteStream.h:25
uint8 byte
An unsigned 8-bit integer.
Definition: Bytes.h:12
Holds both a name string and its hashed value, and unlike Id the name is never compiled out...
Definition: Id.h:144
std::stringbuf Super
Definition: ByteStream.h:20
int_type get()
Definition: ByteStream.h:73
byte * epptr() const
Definition: ByteStream.h:51
Value< bool, std::is_lvalue_reference< T >::value > isLref
Check if type is an lvalue reference.
Definition: Meta.h:53
unsigned int uint32
Definition: Core.h:16
Combined intrusive/non-intrusive smart pointer. Can reference and share any object automatically...
Definition: SharedPtr.h:175
ByteStream & put(byte c)
Definition: ByteStream.h:89
#define mt_unused(Param)
Remove the unused parameter warning.
Definition: Meta.h:20
std::streamsize sputn(const byte *s, std::streamsize n)
Definition: ByteStream.h:42
ByteStream & seekp(pos_type pos)
Definition: ByteStream.h:91
Id created from a string literal at compile-time.
Definition: Id.h:81
ByteStream & unget()
Definition: ByteStream.h:85
ByteStreamBuf(const Bytes &bs, ios_base::openmode mode=0)
Definition: ByteStream.h:23
byte * pbase() const
Definition: ByteStream.h:49
auto popSharedTable()
Pop a shared table id from the bytestream.
Definition: ByteStream.h:415
STL namespace.
void set(Ptr p)
Finalize old pointer and assign new. Does not finalize if old pointer is the same or null...
Definition: UniquePtr.h:73
Bytes bytes() const
Definition: ByteStream.h:29
void bytes(const Bytes &bs)
Definition: ByteStream.h:30
ByteStream(std::streambuf *sb)
Definition: ByteStream.h:68
byte * gptr() const
Definition: ByteStream.h:45
std::remove_reference< T > removeRef
Remove reference from type.
Definition: Meta.h:44
std::enable_if< mt::isIterator< Iter1 >::value, Range_< Iter1, Iter2 > >::type range(Iter1 &&first, Iter2 &&last)
Range from iterators [first, last)
Definition: Range.h:116
static auto _
Definition: Module.cpp:8
ByteStream & getline(byte *s, std::streamsize n)
Definition: ByteStream.h:79
auto pushAlloc(const function< void *(szt)> &alloc)
Push an allocator onto the input bytestream for subsequent unique/shared pointer object allocations...
Definition: ByteStream.h:409
unsigned long long uint64
Definition: Core.h:22
ByteStream & read(byte *s, std::streamsize n)
Definition: ByteStream.h:82
ByteStream & getline(byte *s, std::streamsize n, byte delim)
Definition: ByteStream.h:80
auto reset()
Reset bytestream manipulator state.
Definition: ByteStream.h:417
ByteStream & seekg(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir dir)
Definition: ByteStream.h:87
void exec()
Definition: Meta.h:134
ByteStream & ignore(std::streamsize count=1, int_type delim=traits_type::eof())
Definition: ByteStream.h:81
unsigned char uint8
Definition: Core.h:12
void setg(byte *gbeg, byte *gnext, byte *gend)
Definition: ByteStream.h:47
ByteStream(ByteStream &&rhs)
Definition: ByteStream.h:69
char16_t Char
Represents a single code unit (not code point) for class String.
Definition: String.h:13
#define assert(...)
Forwards to assert_#args. See assert_1(), assert_2().
Definition: Debug.h:24
szt size() const
Returns the number of elements.
Definition: Buffer.h:78
#define idnull
Null id.
Definition: Id.h:124
auto pushSharedTable(const Id &id)
Push a shared table id onto the bytestream for subsequent shared pointer serialization.
Definition: ByteStream.h:413
Unicode UTF-16 string class, wrapper around std::u16string.
Definition: String.h:23
Always returns true. Can be used to force a clause to be type dependent.
Definition: Meta.h:31
An I/O stream into which objects may be serialized and subsequently deserialized. ...
Definition: ByteStream.h:63
unsigned short uint16
Definition: Core.h:14
String of bytes.
Definition: Bytes.h:26
std::streamsize readsome(byte *s, std::streamsize n)
Definition: ByteStream.h:83
Duration represented by repetitions of a period. The period must be a ratio.
Definition: Duration.h:7
size_t szt
Size type, shorthand for size_t.
Definition: Core.h:90
T * alloc(szt count=1)
Allocate memory for count number of T objects. Objects are not constructed.
Definition: Allocator.h:31
ByteStream & operator=(ByteStream &&rhs)
Definition: ByteStream.h:71
ByteStream & write(const byte *s, std::streamsize n)
Definition: ByteStream.h:90
ByteStream & putback(byte c)
Definition: ByteStream.h:84
szt _hash
Definition: Id.h:77
#define debug_if(...)
Evaluate expression in debug mode only, does nothing in final mode.
Definition: Debug.h:30
int size(const StdContainer &cont)
Safely get the size of a std container as a signed integer.
Definition: StdUtil.h:19
void setp(byte *new_pbase, byte *new_epptr)
Definition: ByteStream.h:52
std::make_index_sequence< N > make_idxseq
Shorthand for std::make_index_sequence.
Definition: Meta.h:113
auto varSize(Int &&val)
Write or read a size (a positive integer) using a minimal number of bytes.
Definition: ByteStream.h:176
Base class to hold iostream manipulator state. Inherit from this class and call Subclass::inst(ios) t...
Definition: StdUtil.h:206
auto popAlloc()
Pop an allocator from the input bytestream.
Definition: ByteStream.h:411
int sputbackc(byte c)
Definition: ByteStream.h:39
ByteStream & seekg(pos_type pos)
Definition: ByteStream.h:86
byte * pptr() const
Definition: ByteStream.h:50
ByteStream & seekp(off_type off, ios_base::seekdir dir)
Definition: ByteStream.h:92
Holds a name string and its hashed value for fast comparison ops. See String Identifier.
Definition: Id.h:25
std::iostream Super
Definition: ByteStream.h:66
ByteStreamBuf(ios_base::openmode mode=0)
Definition: ByteStream.h:22
ByteStreamBuf & operator=(ByteStreamBuf &&rhs)
Definition: ByteStream.h:27
Pointer to a unique, non-shared, object. Finalizer is run upon destruction (deletes object by default...
Definition: SharedPtr.h:164
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const Bytes &val)
Definition: Bytes.cpp:9
Global Honeycomb namespace.
byte * eback() const
Definition: ByteStream.h:44
A stream I/O buffer of bytes, to be passed into ByteStream.
Definition: ByteStream.h:17
T * data() const
Get the referenced memory.
Definition: Buffer.h:57
OutSeq && map(Range &&, Seqs &&..., OutSeq &&, Func &&)
Transform a series of sequences into an output.