Honeycomb  0.1
Component-Model Framework

Meta-map usage

// Honeycomb, Copyright (C) 2015 NewGamePlus Inc. Distributed under the Boost Software License v1.0.
#include "MtMap.h"
namespace honey
mtkey(key_int); //Construct keys
mtkeygen(key_index); //Construct a templated key generator that can be used to turn the map into an array,
//indexable by static ints and compile-time integer arithmetic.
template<class T> void iterTest(T&);
void keywordTest();
void mtmap_test()
//Declare a map. Note the "Value, key" order, similar to a variable declaration
typedef MtMap<int, key_int, Id, key_id> FooMap;
//Construct using mtmap factory to initialize in any order
//All keys are required on construction, for optional keys see keyword args example
FooMap foo = mtmap(key_id() = "foo", key_int() = 1); //Key matching is resolved at compile-time, move semantics ensure fast init
int x = foo[key_int()]; //Get at key
Id myid = foo[key_id()];
foo[key_int()] = 2; //Set
foo[key_id()] = "foo2"_id;
assert(foo.hasKey(key_id()) && FooMap::hasKey_<key_id>::value); //Check if has key at run/compile-time
assert((std::is_same<FooMap::getResult<key_id>, Id>::value)); //The result type of get(key_id) is Id
assert(foo.size() == 2 && FooMap::size_::value == 2); //Get number of keys at run/compile-time
x = foo.get(key_int()); //Get at key
foo.set(key_id() = "foo3"_id); //Set accepts any type, converts using operator=. Returns true.
foo.set(key_char() = 'a'); //Key doesn't exist, returns false
//Create a map that holds references
//char doesn't exist in fooRef, so it will be ignored in the initialization
MtMap<int&, key_int, Id&, key_id> fooRef =
mtmap(key_id() = myid, key_int() = x, key_char() = 'b');
fooRef[key_int()] = 3; //Set x to 3
fooRef[key_id()] = "foo4"_id; //Set myid to "foo4"
foo = fooRef; //Flexible map assignment. Matching keys are copied from fooRef using each value type's operator=
//Insert keys/values into map
//Insert asserts that the keys don't already exist
FooMap::insertResult<String, key_string, int8, key_char> fooInsert =
foo.insert(key_string() = "foo5", key_char() = 'c');
//Erase keys from the map, it's ok if the keys don't exist
//Returns decltype(fooInsert)::eraseResult<...>::type
auto fooErase = fooInsert.erase(key_id(), key_int());
auto empty = foo.clear(); //Clear map of keys, returns MtMap<>
assert(empty.empty()); //Test if empty at run-time
mt::Void empty_val = empty[key_string()]; //Key doesn't exist, returns mt::Void
empty.set(key_string() = "empty"); //Key doesn't exist, returns false
enum { IDX0, IDX1 }; //Use the key generator to make map indexable by static ints and arithmetic
MtMap<Id, key_index<IDX0>, String, key_index<IDX1>> indexmap =
mtmap(key_index<IDX0 + 1>() = "idx1", key_index<IDX1 - 1>() = "idx0");
//Define a functor for iterating over the map
struct Functor
{ //Generic catch-all
template<class Key, class Val>
void operator()(Key key, const Val& val)
debug_print(sout() << "Key: " << key.id() << " ; Value: " << val << endl);
//Overload for specific key/value pair
void operator()(key_int key, int& val)
debug_print(sout() << "key: " << key.id() << " ; value: " << val << endl);
val = -1; //Modify value in map
template<class T>
void iterTest(T& fooInsert)
//Use Begin/End and functor to print contents of map
debug_print(sout() << "--fooInsert--" << endl);
for_each_mtmap(fooInsert.begin(), fooInsert.end(), Functor());
//Use iter() to get an iterator by key
debug_print(sout() << "--fooInsert[key_int, end]--" << endl);
for_each_mtmap(fooInsert.iter(key_int()), fooInsert.end(), Functor());
//Define a function that takes keyword arguments.
//Note that key_id is optional and has a default, all others are required.
//The default value is wrapped in a lambda so the Id ctor can be omitted.
void keywordFunc(MtMap<int8, key_char, int, key_int, optional<Id>, key_id> _)
_.setDefaults(mtmap(key_id() = []{ return "default"_id; }));
debug_print(sout() << "Keyword Args: " << _ << endl);
void keywordTest()
keywordFunc(mtmap(key_int() = 1, key_char() = 'c'));
keywordFunc(mtmap(key_int() = 1, key_char() = 'c', key_id() = "user"));