Honeycomb  0.1
Component-Model Framework
honey::Log Member List

This is the complete list of members for honey::Log, including all inherited members.

addLevel(const log::Level &level)honey::Log
addSink(const Id &name, const log::Sink::Ptr &sink)honey::Log
clearFilter(const Id &sink)honey::Log
filter(const Id &sink, const vector< const log::Level * > &includes, bool includeDeps=true, const vector< const log::Level * > &excludes={}, bool excludeDeps=true)honey::Log
LevelGraph typedefhoney::Log
levels() const honey::Loginline
mt_global(Log, inst,)honey::Logstatic
operator<<(const log::Level &level)honey::Loginline
removeLevel(const log::Level &level)honey::Log
removeSink(const Id &name)honey::Log
SinkMap typedefhoney::Log
sinks() const honey::Loginline